Read-In: New Haven students make reading and history count
In honor of Black History Month, students across the New Haven school district in the READ 180 program are participating Tuesday in the 23rd National African-American Read-In by selecting and reading books authored by black writers.
At Beecher Magnet School, students in Caroline Apgar's class will be sharing excerpts from their book choices with each other, as will many other sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders across the city.
This national event is sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English and endorsed by the International Reading Association. The public may participate in many ways.
Lynn Brantley, literacy intervention coach for the district's Reading Department, said participating students are taking a course to strengthen their reading skills. "They are a great bunch of students," she said.

One author that has emerged as a favorite is Walter Dean Myers (left).
The students' selections will help the Register compile a reading list of African-American authors. Would you help us, too? Who are your favorite black novelists, poets and authors?
Tell us here on this blog, on our Community Media Lab Facebook page or via Twitter @nhrvoices.
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