Get Your Blog On
By Angi Carter |Community Engagement Editor
Twitter: @ReachAngi
Facebook: Angi Carter or New Haven Register Community Media Lab

Sooo, Ed and I have discovered a great resource for thecommunity, businesses and bloggers – all in one spot.
It’s called The Grove on Orange Street in New Haven. Every2nd Monday of each month, bloggers and folks with social media or marketingexpertise get together there for a “Bloggers and Beer” networking event.
We got turned onto it by Giulia Gouge, a master Twitter useryou should follow: @giuliag.
Ed and I got a chance to meet other folks who are startingblogs or looking for ways to improve their blogs. We also encouraged them tobecome part of the Register’s online blogging hub the Community Media Lab.
Even though we are full-time journalists, we don’t know itall when it comes to writing or blogging skills and we don’t pretend to.
As Ed and I figure out the offerings of this blog and growthe Community Media Lab, we’ll be offering weekly tidbits that we pick up alongthe way. So here are some tips we lucked out on hearing at The Grove. I hopeyou find this first edition of “Get Your Blog On” as helpful as it was for us:
Know your mission and purpose for blogging:
Start your blog and create each post with a clear sense ofthe message you want to convey, who you are trying to reach and what you aretrying to achieve with the content you provide for that audience.
Content is Queen:
Content is the most important tool we have as bloggers toengage our audiences. Spruce it up with links to previous posts or to websitesthat can help provide context; videos or maps; and photographs.
Give people an idea of what they can expect in a future postand issue a call to action. Ask them to comment or hit your Google+ and Likebuttons.
We will definitely be returning to The Grove – with someother bloggers alongside us.
Labels: bloggers, Community Media Lab, Giulia Gouge, New Haven, New Haven Register, The Grove
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