We received this report today from Nancy Alderman of Environment and Human Health, Inc. You can contact Nancy at nancy.alderman@ehhi.org.
Summary of the "Fracking" Meeting held by Environment and
Human Health, Inc. on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at the Yale School of Forestry for
all those people in CT who were, and are, interested in the fracking issue for
Map of shale gas deposits from the Gasland Project. |
There were about 45 people at the meeting including 4 Legislators -
Senator Len Fasano and Senator Carlo Leone's Aide, Andrew Ammirati,
and Representatives Jonathan Steinberg and Matt Lesser .
Many groups were represented. To name a few: CT Sierra Club, Watershed
Partnership, Rivers Alliance, Citizen's Campaign for the Environment,
Grassroots Environmental Education, Middletown Conservation Commission,
Middletown Garden Club, Environmental Concerns Coalition of Milford,
Environment and Human Health, Inc., New Haven Environmental Justice, Thimble
Creek Research, Yale Forestry School, Democracy for America, Old Lyme
Conservation Commission, and three people hired by the Heinz Foundation in
Pennsylvania working on the health issues caused by fracking in Pennsylvania.
As well, there was a representative from the CT Petroleum Council
- Steven Guveyan
raises many areas of concern and there were many issues raised for discussion
1. How much shale is actually in CT and do we need to be
concerned? The meeting felt the answer was yes and the unassessed shale
is under Hartford and goes through the middle of the state - pretty much
following the I-91 Corridor.
2. Fracking's damage to drinking water and underground aquifers
was discussed. What chemicals are put into the deep ground in order to frack
and what additional chemicals come up from the underground rock such as radon,
arsenic and other toxic compounds from the "Deep."
3. CT will need to protect itself from accepting other states' toxic fracking
waste. New Jersey is already getting PA's waste without the New Jersey
Legislature having acted upon it.
4. What happens when the toxic waste from fracking is injected into the
ground? Some states have had small earth quakes where this has been
5. Huge amount of truck traffic is generated by fracking.
6. The Gas Industry usually goes after farmlands as a place to
frack offering farmers large amount of money. CT has spent large sums of
money trying to protect CT Farms.
7. David Brown, Sc.D. Public Health Toxicologist, reported what
he has seen happen in PA. He has been hired by the Heinz Foundation of PA
to look at those harmed in that state from fracking. He has seen
respiratory problems, intestinal issues and skin rashes. Generally many
people near the fracking sites are unwell as are their farm animals.
8. Each well site needs thousands of gallons of water and that will
need to come from somewhere.
9. Vermont banned Fracking this year as well as banning any fracking
waste from being disposed of in their state. In VT's words - the ban
"ensures that the state's underground sources of drinking water remain
free of contamination......."
10. Vermont like Connecticut has no fracking taking place -- or yet
proposed to take place - but that state saw the potential damage fracking could
have on their state and they chose to get ahead of the problem. Should CT
do the same?
There should be legislation that bans accepting other states' toxic fracking
wastes from coming into CT. The fracking toxic waste should not be allowed to
enter our waterways or be injected into deep underground wells.
There should be a bi-partisan educational meeting held at the Capitol either
the 2nd or 3rd week in September for all legislators. Sen. Len Fasano,
Rep. Matt Lesser and Rep. Jonathan Steinberg have kindly offered to host the
meeting. Sen Fasano offered to get another Republican Representative so to have
2 Republicans and 2 Democrats.
CT DOH Health and CT DEEP should be invited. As well the CT petroleum Council
will be invited - so to make this a balanced meeting. As well it was
suggested to have the Attorney General's Office represented. Because fracking
often affects farmlands - it was suggested that the Working Land Alliance
be there as well.
If I left
anything important out -- I apologize. There was much that
went on.
Thanks to all
of you who were able to come - it is greatly appreciated,
Alderman, President
and Human Health, Inc.
Labels: environment, Environment and Human Health Inc., natural gas, utilities, watershed